Quincy Quarry News Police Scanner Snippets: Boston residents not welcome on Quincy beaches
Quincy News — Breaking News — Local News — Quincy Politics, Local News for Quincy, MA — News Stories and Commentery About Quincy, Massachusetts
by Nancy Drue | Jul 28, 2023 | Featured Articles, Only In The Q |

— News involving Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News

Avalon Beach location, upper left
A Google Map’s image
Per a Quincy Quarry Citizen Police Scanner monitor, a radio call was broadcast by the Quincy Poice Department’s dispatch unit around noon today to see that an available officer tell a Boston school bus full of kids and chaperones chilling at a local beach to hit the road.
The single school busload of school age children and their chaperones had apparently traveled to Avalon Beach in Quincy Point near the Dairy Queen and thus close to the Quincy side of the Fore River Bridge to beat the heat for awhile during the ongoing heatwave.
The radio dispatch call clearly directed the officer who took the call to see the Boston peeps move along as dispatch added that the Boston group had not sought a use permit from the City of Quincy Natural Resources Department, née
Park and Recreation, to chill out at an out of the way and typically quiet on at least weekdays local public beach.

Children playing at a beach
An Adobe stock image
In turn, one can only reasonably assume that the dispatch call to see an available officer roust these Bostonian arose care of someone who lives near Avalon Beach or some local who sought to use it lodging a complaint with the Quincy Police Department.
Regardless, telling these youth to move along on a hot weekday during the middle of a heatwave is at least mean-spirited absent their misbehaving more than might local youth when hitting a beach after an extend time spent housebound given repeated wild swings from rainy weather to steam heat.
EYE roll