A puffy-faced Mayor Koch about to step up to the podium to foist his Fiscal Year 2024 budget.   A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image


– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added


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Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch rolls out his FY 2024 City Budget …
An image from a campaign mailer

Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch presented his Fiscal Year 2024 $405.8 million budget proposal to the City Council last night.

Not that anyone saw it at home.

Per this Quincy Quarry News reporter’s understanding care of a Quincy Quarry Citizen Cable TV Monitor surely but coincidentally Quincy Access Television yet again failed to live stream an important city council meeting.

In any event, while Quincy Quarry News will be following up with additional coverage on the mayor’s proposed stupendous city spending increase proposal for the upcoming fiscal year, following is a quick listing of key low lights of Quincy Mayor Koch’s stupendous, if not also stupefying, spending increase ask.

In the meanwhile, this Quincy Quarry overage scoops both the local weekly tabloid and the South Shore broadsheet.

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Piling it higher and deeper …
Image via San Jose Mercury News

First up, Mayor Koch’s record breaking going away claimed 8.9% spending increase is actually 9.8% after duly adjusting the calculations so as to only properly reflect a $3 million spending cut in Fiscal Year 2023 spending made last December when local property tax rates were set.

Be sure to note that even the lower errantly posed 8.9% increase undercount for the fast approaching new budget year blows past his net duly adjusted previous record 6.8% spending increase for the current about to end fiscal year.

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Quincy Mayor Koch in casual wear?
An Easy Money Associates/Orion Pictures

Put another way, Quincy taxpayers are looking at having to primarily fund budget spending increases going forward that are outstripping the rate of inflation given Mayor Koch’s setting in place an ever worsening structural deficit problem with the City of Quincy’s finances.

Next, most department heads, various other senior coat holding suits in larger departments, and favored other Koch hack hires are looking at salary increases averaging in the 20% range whereas essentially all other city employees are looking at but 3% pay raises in the fast approaching next fiscal year predicted upon recently set three year and 3% per year pay increases per recently concluded contract agreements with the various city employee unions.

Further note that Mayor Koch has more than doubled city spending during his just over 15 years in office.

Specifically, when Koch came in office in 2008, city spending, inclusive of the Water and Sewer departments budgets, was $228 million. 

For Fiscal Year 2024, inclusive of water and sewer, his ask is just a tad under $465 million in total and thus would entail easily over twice as much city spending than in 2008.

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Yet again the Quarry cleans up on placing its bets
An old picture

And finally, the Quarry yet again called it. 

Twice as a matter of fact.

Not only did the Quarry go with the over on the $400 million line for the over and under on what Mayor Koch’s budget ask would run, the Quarry also went with $403 million as the actual budget number and so won this bet per The Price is Right rules.

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