– News about Quincy Massachusetts covered by Quincy Quarry News

Threeway at Southern Artery and Washington
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo image
As Quincy Quarry News]’ ever-growing legions of loyal readers know, the Quarry has long noted that the streets of Quincy are, well, mean streets.
- A Quincy Quarry News exclusive investigation
Now care of a Quincy Quarry News Data Researcher who came across an interesting Massachusetts Department of Transportation (“MassDOT”) user-interactive traffic accident graphic database, Quincy Quarry News has hard confirmation that Quincy motor vehicle traffic is arguably as dangerous as illicit drug traffficking.
Per MassDOT’s most recent data, Quincy has roughly twice as many of the top 200 motor vehicle crash site clusters of all such clutters in the whole of Commonwealth as does Boston, not to mention it would thus also appear that Quincy so is at least near the top of this heap of scrap of a list statewide and which no mayor wants to see her but more likely his community so ranked.
Particularly problematic is the fact that one of Quincy’s top 200 list accident cluster sites is right in front of Quincy’s police headquarters, accidents ranging from involving police rolling stock to at least one fatality.

Even Quincy pedestrian traffic signals get whacked
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file photo image
Similarly, Quincy also more than holds its own against roughly seven times more populated as well as over three times larger in land area Boston as regards having top 5% of motor vehicles and pedestrian accident clusters per the MassDOT data.
Quincy would also clearly appear to rank high more generally among communities statewide as regards pedestrian fatalities.
Additionally, Quincy leaves Boston by the side of the road in a heap when in comes to the Quincy’s rate of motor vehicle and bicycle accidents per a duly population-adjusted basis review of the MassDOT data.

The all too frequent outcome of Q-hole driving
Image via Medipage Today
Further, on a raw unadjusted basis look at the MassDOT data, Quincy clearly looks to be at the top of the automotive scrap yard statewide with four of the five of other most traffic accident cluster suffering communities and which, in no particular order other than alphabetically, include the like of Brockton, Lowell, Springfield, and Lynn.
In short, it would thus clearly appear per official MassDOT data that Q-hole drivers top Masshole drivers when it comes to being among the most dangerous drivers in the Commonwealth.
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Yesterday the racists at the Quincy Quarry targeted black men; today, they target Asians. Hating on Quincy’s sizeable Asian community is shameless and indefensible. Moreover, insinuating that reckless driving is the city’s fault is ludicrous.
#StrongLeadership #QuincyFirst #Koch2024
Mr. Chop,
Yesterday and the day before, Quincy Quarry News ran stories on a home invasion in West Quincy that resulted in three stabbing three victims. The assailant is reported to be a Black male and the Quarry noted same and no more on this aspect of the incident. This is not targeting by any stretch of any imagination other than yours.
Next, as for today’s Quarry story on the high levels of traffic accidents in Quincy, nowhere did the Quarry mention any demographic group as regards dangerous driving, much less denigrate any such group’s driving.
Instead, the Quarry merely addressed how drivers in Quincy are more — if not significantly more — accident-prone than most of rest of drivers in the Commonwealth and which is supported by MassDOT data.
In short, persist in foisting false narratives via Quincy Quarry at the risk of seeing yourself banned.
And every day Porky targets intelligence and rational thinking.
No offense, but intelligence and rational thinking are not things that come to mind when the topic is Porky.
On the hallucinogens again, Pork Chump?
Wild spring mushrooms. I can’t count how many times I have had to chase Pork Chop out of the Blue Hills.
Ranger Smith, why are you chasing people out of the Blue Hills?
Does the Department of Conservation and Recreation know they have a fag hater on their payroll?
Let’s find out.
Unlike the hacks at the Quincy Quarry, I’m not afraid to make a simple phone call for comment.
#StrongLeadership #QuincyFirst #Koch2024
Porky, is the Quincy side of the Blue Hills the new Norwell rest stop for you?
Hey Smith, I made that call.
Impersonating a park ranger and harassing members of the LGBTQ community is a felony.
The State Troopers are looking for you. I suspect their cyber sleuths will contact Quincy Quarry to obtain your IP address. Good luck!
#StrongLeadership #QuincyFirst #Koch2024
Awww . . . Piggy’s upset about being chased out of the Blue Hills. Don’t cry Piggy. I mean, maybe you should start wearing a bib.
Do you have idea how many mis-strokes have happened on the golf courses at Quarry HIlls c/o sudden distracting squeals outta Porky coming from the Chickatawbut Trail parking lot?