– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy Quarry News was dimed with word, along with a picture, that a City of Quincy Department of Public Works truck was left running, unattended as well as apparently unlocked in the parking lot of a Washington Street convenience store midday today for at least ten minutes.
Given the validity of past dimes dropped by this Quincy Quarry Citizen Photojournalists, there is ample reason to favorably report on this time.
Per this Citizen Photojournalist, the truck was found running without anyone in it as well as left running for at least ten minutes unintended until one can only hope was a city employee who come out of the convenience, got into the truck, and then drove away.

Note at least one foot over the line
A Quincy Quarry News Photojournalist image
Click on image for a larger view
Further, at no time did the photojournalist see this individual make a move to unlock the truck’s driver side door, not to mention had previously seen a key in the ignition while this city ride was unattended but was not able to take a picture of the key in the ignition.
That and then is this whole waste of energy as well as position caused while the truck was left running.
Further yet, the DPW truck was carelessly parked and so detrimentally impacting the convenience store’s off-street parking capacity.
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LOL, QQ is serving up more evidence of lazy, privileged Koch family and friends abusing their BS jobs. One man per truck is Koch efficiency at its worst.
Give the poor guy a break. He was popping in for a blunt wrap for his afternoon delight.
Diesel is 6.23 per gallon! A warm city ride – priceless.
Obviously a Bill Phelan hire; however, being overworked is the root cause of many on-the-job mistakes.
Piggy makes two unsupportable points.
1. How would you know who hired him?
2. So, you’re saying their boss (your idol) is forcing them to work to the point of exhaustion. That’s an unsafe working condition.
Overworked at the DPW to the point of exhaustion?
Quickie Louie only dribbles hate here.
Fact 1: Mayor Thomas P Koch only hires the best and brightest. This was not true during Bill Phelan’s days at the helm.
If you recall, Bill Phelan got crushed by Tom Koch and lost his reelection bid just a few years ago. People still remember the dark days of Phelan’s mismanagement of our great city.
Fact 2: DPW management is understaffed. QQ points this out almost weekly. More new hires are needed, and switching the department to a four-day workweek would make working conditions much safer.
How about supporting the people who support us rather than supporting your young male prostitutes?
Facts? No.
Assertions and posting from a script is all you’ve got, Piggy. You’re like a broken record — the same Koch rubbish over and over and over . . .
Pork Chop,
LMAO!!!!! Do you have a “medicinal” marijuana Rx or what?
“How about supporting the people who support us . . . ”
So, you do work for the city. You lied about it before.
Personally, I am waiting for Porky to own up to his generous support of rent boys.
Pork Chop is 100% correct in his claims. Haven’t you read and heard how hard and diligently our esteemed Mayor is working so hard to improve the contract of our teachers who are educating our children, the future voters and someday very likely a future Mayor of our great city? I am confident Pork Chop is advising our Mayor on how to give our teachers the fair salary increase they well deserve and hire the additional teachers we need to provide a quality education to the increasing student population. Yup, Pork Chop is right there first in line supporting the people who support us. If the DPW employees are working to the point of exhaustion taking a half-hour to grab a cup of coffee at a convenience store while leaving a truck owned by the City of Quincy unlocked and running so that it can be “borrowed” by an upstanding citizen of Quincy, you can just imagine how hard Pork Chop is working and fighting to ensure Quincy Teachers finally get a fair contract.
STFU!!! You know that Fat Larry would NEVER let any Phelan hack hire be assigned a city ride for his sole use.
Further, Michael, your resorting to body shaming others is a play out of “Fast Louie’s” playbook and only drives my point home. I suspect all of you losers will be unmasked soon by the U.S. Attorney for continued online hate speech.
How do you like them apples?
Fat Larry IS fat and the truth is the ultimate as well as a perfect defense.
Very good point! You know, Mike, Porky isn’t too well versed in conceptual thinking. He needs a script to copy from — even if it makes no sense in light of reality, he posts it anyway. He’s really a sad sack.
Actually, Chop is an empty sack as well as ain’t packing either and you know what I mean.
Lucky for the driver that his city truck was still there. Washington street is no joke.
Hmmm. Michael Nevins, are you from Braintree or East Longmeadow? FO, you phony!
Don’t even know who is your local president? Why am I not surprised?
I have at least 2 instances where I have caught DPW screwing off. It’s very easy to do. Beating up givt employees isn’t my bag. But, it’s just there, right in front. And they are defensive. Paranoid about getting pictures taken like this. Better stay out of the liquor stores during the workday. That will get you fired.
Er, ah — don’t you know about Freddy? His crew would drive him around from packy to packy all day on overtime pothole patrol most every Saturday. Also, so what about adhering to the rotating OT list.
If the intrepid QQ photojournalist observed this situation with the unlocked, engine running City of Quincy vehicle, why didn’t he or she attempt to have a conversation with the driver of the DPW vehicle when he exited the store to point out the error of his actions and seek the identity of this employee who works for us taxpayers who pay his salary, paid for his vehicle and pay for the vehicle’s operating expenses?