– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added
Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: Another week, another Quincy Quarry exposé.
Actually a couple of exposés and more as Quincy Quarry’s recap of Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s State of the City dog and pony show last week finally hit the fan.
As for the first exposé, care of yet another diming from one of Quincy Quarry New’s ever-growing cadre of Citizen Photojournalists came indications of a city department head perhaps doing a solid for his yacht club.
The solid: apparently allowing the storage of yacht club dinghies and dock floats on property one can only reasonably assume use of the property for boat storage is under the control of the City of Quincy.
But what the hay, why have a position of power as a Koch Machine apparatchik if one cannot take care of certain fellow members of the yachting class?
After all, one never knows when one might need a tow out of troubled waters or at least grift one’s way out of mandatory “volunteer” work time at this particular yacht club.
And in the case of this grifter, as he is the Commissioner of the Public Buddings Department, it is thus only fair to also exposé him over yet another example of things suspect: not taking care of the years-long fallings of bricks at Quincy Police headquarters.
And for the coupe de grâce for this week, the Quarry finally published its review of Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s two years delayed annual State of the City address.
While the mayor’s failure to meet his mandatory obligations to annually report on the State of the City last year has never been duly explained, Quincy Quarry’s delay to report on this year’s so-called State of the City was caused by the Quarry’s having to figure out how best to review what was more of a highly produced reelection campaign promo this year than a proper update on the State of the City of Quincy.
In fact, the whole of the State of the City presentation failed to offer up much in the way of valid commentary on the state of things in Quincy in spite of the fact that the Quarry duly slogged through all of the bovine byproduct shoveled in the hope of finding a dry spot.
Instead, the long-winded oration foisted tap-danced around such essential facts as the fact that the City of Quincy’s reserves are currently at roughly but an eighth of what they should be per “Best Practices.”
Also ducked and dodged are how inflation in general and the city’s debt service interest costs are increasing such that next year’s city spending will likely increase by at least as much as did this year’s record-setting 7.7% spending increase on top of how other koched-up City Hall spending increases continue to concurrently further worsen the City of Quincy’s structural deficit budget status.
But not to worry for Mayor Koch as the 2024 local tax assessments will the fan until six weeks after local elections come this November and so perhaps succeed at covering his tukas until after election day.

What, me worry?
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
On the other hand, as he is facing a number of other things looking likely to be hitting the fan in the meanwhile, one can only hope that at least a few do so as well as do so soon enough to impact the election results.
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Our elected mayor needs to get out of his posh office and walk up Washington Street to Point Liqueurs.
Washington Street is a disgrace!
Public trash cans are needed, along with an ordinance banning the sale of nips and pints of alcohol.
Third-world countries have cleaner streets.