Punxsawtaney Phil sees his shadow so expect six more weeks of winter


Image via Paramount Pictures


– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added


| quincy news

Don’t blame me  Phil is the one who saw his shadow.
The Borough of Punxsawtaney’s telephone receptionist

In just Breaking Badly Bad News©, at roughly 7AM this morning Punxsawtaney Phil emerged from his lair, saw his shadow, and then one can only assume hurried back to his lair as quickly as possible to stay warm over what tradition has it will be six weeks more winter.

While locally Massachusetts’ Official Groundhog and Lincon MA resident Ms. G has yet to weigh in what’s up for this winter, the last couple of days of a bit colder than normal weather in Eastern Massachusetts are expected to be followed by high winds and at least a near-record setting arctic deep freeze starting Friday night and continuing until Sunday early morning.

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“FYI, not my fault.” Not this time anyway …
A still image from a YouTube video

In short, so much for the just past January in the Greater Boston Area that was one of the warmest Januaries on record.

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