Quincy Quarry News Police Scanner Snippets – Kid Gloves treatment by Quincy Police instead of cuffs?


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Searching the stopped Wednesday night ride
A Quincy Quarry Citizen Police Scanner Monitor image

Quincy Quarry’s Citizen Police Scanner Monitor recently also physically witnessed three, well, curious, responses by Quincy Police to motor vehicle-related incidents.

Additionally, all three incidents occurred within a short run of Washington Street no more than several properties in length as well as at an iintersection that has a long had a history of traffic accidents, including both serious injury and on occasion fatal accidents.

In particular, two of these incidents were eerily similar.

The first occurred last Wednesday night shortly after 9 pm. 

Two Quincy police cruisers carrying and three uniformed officers in total, had lights flashing while officers took turns searching a blue late model sedan.  Officers so found bags in the ride and placed them on the roof of it. 

Then after a roughly hour-long police stop, an officer tossed the bags into the passenger seat area of his cruise, saw the civilian driver into the back side of the cruiser, and then drove away.

The most odd thing was that Quincy Citizen Police Scanner Monitor did not see handcuffs put on the driver of the car but the monitor did hear radio chatter noting that a cruiser was inbound to police headquarters with (suspected, ed) Class B drugs and a suspect who did not have a valid driver’s license.

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“Rut ro!”
A Quincy Quarry Citizen Police Scanner Monitor’s photo

The second similar incident occurred around the same time on Friday two days later: officers in a couple of cruisers detained of the driver of another vehicle as well as searched his ride. 

The Quarry’s Citizen Police Radio Scanner Monitor did not, however, this time see any obvious signs of anything found by the officers nor heard anything obviously tied to this incident over the police radio channel even though the driver was put in the back of a cruiser, albeit also without cuffs, his personal car’s plates removed, and his ride subsequently also towed. 

Unclear, however, if the person was later let out of the cruiser or taken away.

And as for the third incident, it occurred late last summer, albeit differently. 

In this instance, the driver crashed his ride into a building and when he got out of his totaled vehicle it appeared that he was probably under the influence. 

Police responded quickly to the Quarry’s Citizen Police Scanner Monitor’s call as the monitor yet again just happened to be in the area when the accident went down and so called it in; at the same time, however, no roadside sobriety test was seen to have administered before he was loaded into the back of one of the responding police cruisers and driven away, albeit again without cuffs.

Further curious was how all of the not handcuffed drivers were of the same racial background and that background is not that of the typical old time Quincy residents as well as not that of over 90% of the City of Quincy employees.

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The most recent incident; search in process!
A Quincy Quarry Citizen Police Scanner Monitor’s photo

Further yet, while once might a onsey and twice at least a coincidence, three times over a relatively short span of time as well as at roughly the same venue can only indicate policy.

In any event, Quincy Quarry is more than willing to attest to the civil as well as hands-off handing by Quincy Police in these three situations should complaints be filled as Quincy police officers do not wear cop cams. 

At least, that is, that Quincy Quarry can only attest to what was seen on the scene along Washington Street as no one tied to the Quarry has any knowledge as to how things may have gone down subsequently at police headquarters. 

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