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A Weymouth Firefighters Local 1616 Facebook image
Weymouth Massachusetts’ Fire Department has rolled out Community Connect to its arsenal of tools to address local emergencies.
Community Connect is a secure app of a sort that will allows Weymouth residents to provide the Weymouth Department with important nformation about their residences as it already does in many other communities.
For example, how many people live at their residence, the number and sorts of pets they may have, if a household member relies on highly inflammable bottled oxygen, and other such information that could prove invaluable during an emergency.

The database says that a service dog lives on the fourth floor
Boston Fire Chiefs at the scene of a fire
After all, many fire department, including even the Quincy Fire Department, have already developed databases which provide important information about large local facilities such as schools, apartment buildings and office buildings as well as businesses that utilize readily inflammatory and/or hazardous materials.
As such, Community Connect offers a ready and low-cost way to gather important information which can help fire departments better respond to calls for their services.
In extension, Quincy Quarry News is behooved to add that it is all but impossible, at a feasible level anyway, for a community to spend too much on actually effective fire department capabilities as regards fires as such will typically result in more than offsetting savings on local property insurance rates as the quality of local fire department capabilities as they are factored into the mix when insurance companies set local property insurance rates.
At the same time, the key criteria for lower rates are effective capabilities.
Quincy Quarry considered reaching out to Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch for comment about this one-upmanship of Quincy by Weymouth Mayor Robert (Bob) Hedlund; however, as Quincy Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers know that such would only be a waste of time and energy for Quincy Quarry and so also take away from the Quarry’s exposing the soft underbelly of the Koch Maladministration.
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How about a story on how many lives our brave firefighters (and police officers) saved last year? God bless our caring and hard-working firefighters and police officers.