Quincy Quarry News Police Scanner Snippets – 2022 goes out with a bang in Quincy, lots of them actually …
Image via the BBC
– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News
Quincy Quarry’s City Editor has finally confirmed adequately reports of problematic doings in Quincy on New Year’s Eve heard by Quincy Quarry New’s Citizen Police Scanner monitor..
Approval for publication by the City Editor was helped along as the Quarry’s Citizen Police Radio Scanner Monitor stopped monitoring the Quincy Police Radio channel shortly after 7 pm so as to instead hunker down in the scanner’s basement so as to endeavor to survive the final hours of 2022 and thus shortening the checklist.
A quick recap of local New Year’s Eve events follows.

Female packing a piece
Image via timeslive..co.za
Mid-afternoon there was a report of someone brandished a gun at one of the two local Home Depo stores.
While the police radio chatter was hard to follow, it sounded as if perhaps the person packing was a female and that the underlying beef was perhaps personal as in over a parking space or some other minor affront.
Things then only headed further south. in fact, south of Quincy Center.
A couple hours after sunset came radio reports of a male brandishing a gun near the Kan Man Supermarket in South Quincy. The apparently individual fled to nearby woods, however Quincy Police eventually captured him without things getting ugly.
Next up, there were radio reports of an assault and battery with a deadly weapon in the vicinity of the North Quincy MBTA station around 7 pm. .
Unclear, however, is how this incident then played out to its end.
Additionally, during the course of New Year’s Eve were (at least, ed.) two attempted suicides, one of which was apparently attempted at the moderately-priced hotel/motel near the North Quinsy MBTA station.
The individual in this incident apparently drank Draino and was transported to the Boston Medical Center. No word of the person’s condition, however.
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Which elementary school student writes these articles?
Mr. Schmidt:
Are you familiar with the MCAS scores for Quincy Public Schools students as well as child labor laws?
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