New Statue of Abigail Adams unveiled, Quincy Mayor Tom Koch amazingly not struck by lightning
– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added
The new statue of Abigail Adams that was commissioned earlier this year and then over this past weekend was unveiled at its new home along Kim Jong Koch Plaza went about as expected other than a couple of unexpectedly delightful as well as well-deserved twists.
For one thing, new statue notwithstanding and thus yet again Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch opting to spend tax money so as to yet again try to buy his way out of a hole of his own digging, a number of women with various ties to Quincy still turned out to make the mayor sweat.
That and further reduce his already variously suspect stature.
The ladies’ many protest signs not only both made it clear to Mayor Koch that they were not going to let him off the hook for his long-failing failing to honor the most important female of the Revolutionary War era as well as the early years of our Republic, not to mention was both married to the second president of the Indited states as well as the father of the sixth president..

The light shone brightly upon Mrs. Adams. Mayor Koch, however, not so much.
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
That or how Mayor Koch has been dealing in what Quincy Quarry News can only properly view as bad faith when it comes to negotiating a new contract with the teachers’ union.
Not just over the fact that the prior agreement expired as of essentially the end of the school year last year, but also over the fact that the mayor has been pressing teachers to work an additional sixteen hours a year gratis.
Conversely, however, he has already restored Quinn Bill bonus pay to local police officers as well as similar unprecedented benefits that he unilaterally provided to local firefighters per their already agreed to new union contracts.
In short, teachers are simply seeking equitable treatment.
Further amusing was how as near as Quincy Quarry News was able to discern, none of its regional TV news media brethren provided Mayor Koch with his always obsessively pursued video op so as to feed his inflated ego,
Fortunately for the mayor, at least there was the de rigueur hospitality tent nearby and which featured a finger food buffet.

Forever will Abigail be staring up to Quincy Mayor Koch’s City Hall office
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
In any event, various and mostly females attending the event were duly accorded with prime placement in both local print media and in some instances even broadcast media features on the statues dedication.
Then again, such treatment was only warranted.
And finally, as for the statue itself, a well-know commenter on the Patriot Ledger pretty much nailed it with his latest as well as oh so pithy comments.
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Let us replace great historic statues with less great and non-historic statues.
Is Koch done playing statue roulette yet?
The statue is excellent, but what the plaza needs are phone chargers. Also, a heating feature to keep the shelterless warm would be nice.
Of course the new statue is perfectly nice. It is a crib of the far more inspired Lillie statue of Abigail and a young John Quincy.
Porta-Potties would be a nice touch, too.
Does Putin get his busts chiseled by the same orc?
Did the city pay for the overpriced statue with Russian Rubles or Bitcoin?
What will complete the City Hall plaza is a sculpture of long-time Quincy Mayor & Visionary Thomas P. Koch. Let’s get this done.
Again, Porky, you should come up for air once in a while.