Federal Transportation Administration presser on its final MBTA report
– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

Federal Transpiration Administration offers directions to the MBTA …
An old Columbia Pictures sill image
The Federal Transportation Administration’s spokesperson was as matter of fact as Sergeant Joe Friday discussing a garden variety purse snatching and as cold as a prosecutor looking to add a scalp to his belt at this morning’s presser on the Federal Transportation Administration’s final report on its investigation of the MBTA’s operations..
As much was broached at the presser and thus a careful replay of its video pending as well as the Federal Transportation Administration’s final report also needs to be carefully read, following are opening takeaways of actions to done to and by the MBTA ASAP.
The Department of Public Utilities (“DPU”) needs to get serious about overseeing the MBTA as regards assuring safe operation and as the DPU is both variously mandated as well as empowered to do.
The DPU, MBTA management, and the MBTA Board of Directors need to cooperate.
The T has to focus on safety.
So what, apparently, for the fact that pretty much these same directives were broached to the MBTA in a 2019 Federal Transportation Administration review in the wake of the 2019 Red Line JFK station derailment.
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I wonder how our clown mayor is making out on his promise to visit every community that the MBTA services? What a joke!