MBTA claims thirty-seven percent of work completed on out of service Orange and Green lines rail service but is the Red Line next to face disruption?


– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.


Lost in new england

Still no light at the end of the tunnel, however …
Image via Lost in New England

At a presser photo op on Sunday featuring Governor Charlie Baker and General Manager Steve Poftak provided word that the progress was moving apace such that Orange Line rail service would (likely, ed.) resume on September 19 as previously projected.

“I would say we are on schedule,” MBTA General Manager Steve Poftak said.

In fact – at this point anyway, the Orange Line makeover looks to be on track for perhaps a slightly sooner than projected completion per an assumed to be pessimistic/worst case sort of project scheduling, something which Quincy Quarry News has opined previously was likely done so as to both cover tukases as well as perhaps even so manage to score an uptick in public opinion given a sooner than (officially, ed.) projected completion of the makeover.

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No update on the Green Line makeover
Image via the MBTA

At the same time, it was disconcerting that no word was offered as to the progress on the maintenance and repairs makeovers to the Green Line north of Government Center.

After all, Green Line Extension rail service was concurrently suspended when the whole of the Orange Line was taken out of service with both lines expected to be concurrently brought back online by September 19 (of this year, ed.).

Further disconcerting, recent media reports indicate that the Red Line service might also soon be subject to disruption via the MBTA perhaps opting to impose a hybrid manner of service-disrupting makeover overhaul of at least parts of the Red Line starting in late October and continuing until Thanksgiving or thereabouts.

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The 2019 catastrophic derailment at JFK station
Image via Twitter

Such is especially troubling as only just recently Red Line service on its Braintree line was subjected to a two weeks long early service shutdown at 9 PM Mondays though Thursdays so as to be able to have more time to endeavor repairs, efforts that suffered an embarrassing Q-up on the very first night of this maintenance makeover.

To this potentially breaking badly bad news©, Quincy Quarry News’ ever-growing legions of loyal readers, especially those who are Red Lines straphangers or private vehicle using commuters, should duly note that the Quarry is already well along with an impending exposé about troubling concerns as to the apparent suspect condition of Red Line rails in at least parts of Quincy.

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MIA as usual …
A Quincy Quarry News meme

At the same time, Quarry readers should concurrently note that there is all but assuredly Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch will not be offering up any statement on this rumored Red Line service disruption as he did not do so on the recent one even though he should know what is up as he has been the Chair of the MBTA Advisory Board for a decade as well as is the most senior member of the MBTA Board of Directors.

So what also for the fact that Mayor Koch’s grandiose plans for the redevelopment of Quincy Center as well as the crush of most of the considerable development of often outsized multiple-unit housing developments elsewhere in Quincy are predicated upon a Transpiration Oriented Development ethos even though both of the key Red Line stations at North Quincy and Quincy Center stations needed to facilitate same are worn-out pieces of guano as well as have long suffered from problematic at best limits to their parking capacity for straphangers to utilize.

Source: MBTA says Orange Line work is 37% done

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