– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News

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Cooling water!
A Quincy Quarry News Photojournalist image

Does West Quincy have a secret splash pad?

Of a sort anyway.

While the current long-ongoing heat wave is likely to break tomorrow, care of a Quincy Quarry News’ Citizen Photojournalist comes photographic indications of a possible secret makeshift splash pad where long-suffering locals can endeavor to at least blunt the heat that has bearing down on Eastern Massachusetts for weeks.

After all, better to know late about this secret cooling venue to seek relief from the heat than not at all.

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More cooling water!
A Quincy Quarry News Photojournalist image

In any event, at roughly 1 PM on Monday at a sports field that cannot be seen by drivers passing by it on Quarry Street, the Photojournalist captured images of sprinklers spraying away at a time of day one would hope that even idiot sons-in-laws in hack hire sinecures at the City of Quincy Natural Resources Department, née Park and Rec, probably know is not the time of day to be watering sports field turf. 

That and so are instead providing a place to cool one’s heels until the weather cools.

Either that or making it possible for early liquid lunchers at the adjacent Elks Lodge to opt for taking a bracing cold shower before hitting the road.

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