City of Quincy rolls out a drought tree watering plan #cityofquincydpw #mayorkoch


– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News


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Pay for play is not legal in Massachusetts
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The Drought of 2022 continues to bear down on plant life at least as hard as has also been one of the so fair hotter summers on record.

In turn, the City of Quincy has rolled out a watering program for city trees, especially for the roughly fifteen hundred tree planted by the City of Quincy in recent years and thus have less than well-established and drought-resistant root systems.

Needless to say, the City of Quincy’s so-called drought response plan will entail considerable expense as it will entail throwing money at the problem late in the going, including reaching out to a favored source of campaign fund contributions to Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch to provide additional water truck delivery capacity late in going.

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Shower down!
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So what, apparently, for the fact that surely a number of City of Quincy Departments of Public Works and Natural Resources have likely not been all that busy mowing lawns and doing other such landscaping work given the drought.

Instead, the City of Quincy previously put out an ask of local residents to help with the watering city trees planted along the curbs of local streets. 

As near as Quincy Quarry News has noticed, however, the city’s ask was often not answered.  One can thus only assume that ever-increasing local water and sewer bills might have been a factor in the but trickle of watering of city trees by local property owners.

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Too late for these two dead young City of Quincy trees
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

Either that or the ask as well as the city’s so-called responses to the drought were too late as many young City of Quincy trees already look to have died or at least are close to doing so.

So what also for the fact that droughts happen as well as that a dry forecast for this summer was well forecast last spring, if not even earlier.

Then again, the Koch Maladministration is not know for effective and sound planning, especially in the face of only reasonable to expect problems.

As such, Quincy Quincy News will be sending out its arborists Paul Bunyan VI and Fredrick Law Olmsted V to assess the carnage inflicted upon innocent young trees given the Koch Maladministration’s less than timely and effective response with Paul and Fred then filing a third story to to  what is likely to be an ongoing series of exposés until the impact of this summer’s drought has run its course.

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