– News about Quincy Massachusetts covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added
Yet again, only in Quincy …
The weather could not have been better for a late afternoon/early evening parade this past Saturday.
For firing off fireworks, however, the recent run of mostly dry weather not so much as the post-parade fireworks display at Merrymount Park again sparked a wildfire in nearby open space.
A local who lives near the scene of the first she has seen similar fires in the past and was surprisingly blasé about it all – “We weren’t alarmed because we’ve seen it before,”

Stuck in a sinkhole in Quincy
Image via the LA Times
Even so, the location of the wildfire was amidst the swampy land around Black’s Creek and thus posed problems for the Quincy Fire Department to respond to the fire.
Fortunately, a considerable number of fire department hosers were on hand given the use of two fire department hook and ladder trucks to hoist a giant flag along the parade route; at the same time, however, such limited both available equipment and the response times for turned-out fire firefighters as the protective gear of those assigned to support Flag Day festivities was back at their respective firehouses.
Also unfortunate for Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch, the wildfire scored local TV news coverage and so undercutting the Koch Maladministration’s hoped-for upbeat feel-good news coverage.
Further inflaming was the music selection at the post-parade gathering at Pageant Field during time outside of the bloviating by local officials and parade grand marshall Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito and the fireworks display.
The offensive music?
During a medley of patriotic sorts of anthems and such, “Dixie” was also apparently featured per the report of Quincy Quarry News Citizen Musicologist.
Given recent missteps and foot-draggings by Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch as well as his so deservedly suffering point rebuke by the Boston Broadsheet over his at least tone-deaf comments in the wake of consistently peaceful local Black Lives Matters rallies last year one could not help but be gobsmacked by the latest shot to what surely little is left of Koch’s small to begin with feet, if not also concurrently relishing a bit of schadenfreude.
Then again, perhaps Dixie’s inclusion was a sop to the arguable secessionists and definitely self-absorbed NIMBYS of Squantum or at least local Trump supporters.
Accordingly, Quincy Quarry News considered reaching to Koch Machine Operations Director and city events planner Helen “Wheels” Murphy for comment, especially as she is also at least a former Trump supporter, however, the Quarry had no interest in being blown off by Ms. Murphy.
In any event, at this point Quincy Quarry can only properly call upon the State Fire Marshal to both investigate this fireworks fire and then sanction the serial firebug behind it that is the Koch Maladministration.
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Another city whitewash exposed!
Enslaved people were whistling Dixie while picking cotton on ole man Koch’s plantation.
It is most likely that it was Chief Keenen who requested Dixie.
Did Tommy find a small tiki idol in a Hawaiin cave and keep it as a good luck charm? The man can’t get anything right!
I was there and I heard that song and I couldn’t believe it. The anthem of traitors played at a patriotic American Flag Day celebration. Someone should ask the mayor about it.
Master Tommy stepped in it again!
Actually, stepped into it at least twice.