– Quincy News from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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Trump Pence 2020 sign in front of Helen “Wheels'” residence
A Citizen Photojournalist photo

Senior Koch Maladministration official supports President Trump’s reelection bid.

Courtesy of a photo sent along to Quincy Quarry News by a Citizen Photojournalist, it would appear that a senior Koch Machine official is publicly supporting the reelection of President Donald Trump given a Trump/Pence 2020 campaign sign in her front lawn.

Then again, Helen “Wheels” has long been know for having a thing about bad boys. 

That and for what one can only assume are steel-reinforced stiletto heels.

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“Welcome to Massachusetts Mr. Vice President!”
Image via Twitter

While her boss, Quincy’s peerless Mayor Thomas P Koch, opted to leave the Democratic Party almost three years and go with unenrolled status on his voter registration as well as more recently stated that he is not a fan of either party’s presidential candidate this year, Mayor Koch did opt to meet Vice President Mike Pence on the tarmac at Logan Airport when Pence flew into Boston two and a half years ago whereas Massachusetts’ top Republican, Governor Charlie Baker, was “unavailable” to do so.

In other words, given Mayor Koch’s insistence on ring kissing, if not also tukas, as well as obsequious fealty by his hack hires, one can thus only assume that he has no problems whatsoever with Wheel’s Trump/Pence 2020 lawn sign.

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City workers getting out the vote in Mount Wollaston Cemetery/Ward 7?
A file photo

That and a likely suspicion by Koch that Trump will likely enjoy considerable local voter support from Koch’s old Quincy lifers base in this year’s election even if they continue to steadily move along permanently or are at least in the meanwhile receiving their monthly kiss in the mail at their retirement homes in Florida.

It is also only fair to note that Mayor Koch has no sense of any fallibility whatsoever when it comes to spending on his pet projects, especially his so far looking to be less than economically viable long term redevelopment of Quincy Center.

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A City on the move needs some Ex Lax®?
An iconic Quincy Quarry News image

Key problems facing just this particular Koch’s Edifice Complex alone include multiple fits and starts along the way, limited interest by developers other than mostly Friends of Koch who have in total so far already received many tens of millions in incentives subsidized by taxpayers, and the lack of a real plan to develop a truly viable and sustainable economic ecosystem for Quincy Center.

Needless to say, such chutzpah is eerily reminiscent of private citizen Donald Trump’s development experiences, especially his failed casinos in Atlantic City, a business in which the house is supposed to always win.

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The expensively carpeted office is almost as over the top as his ego
A Kara Delahunt/Patriot Ledger image

Granted, while it is as yet unclear if Quincy Mayor Koch’s overweening Edifice Complex will go the way of many of Trump’s private ventures and so force the City of Quincy into Chapter 9, there is little question that things will become interesting in the late 2020’s.

The reason for the expected excitement?  Starting in 2028, the roughly $150 million in municipal debt incurred and already largely spent so as to endeavor to redevelop Quincy Center is currently only requiring a modest annual interest payment, but which will to commence rolling over into many fold more costly principal and interest paying bonds. 

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Trust me, it will all work out
A Facebook photo

In other words, think no income verification subprime mortgage financing with an initial low tickler incentive interest rate circa 2006.

That and how the above noted $150 million in municipal redevelopment debt is both expected to be followed by $100 million more in Quincy Center redevelopment debt as well is on top of hundreds of millions in all manner of other sorts of municipal debt that Mayor Koch has already imposed as well as plans to impose upon long suffering local taxpayers care of other of his projects.

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The future of Quincy taxpayers’ money?
Image via cheatsheet.com image

Further problematic for local taxpayers is the crushing and among the worst in the state woeful underfunding of City of Quincy employee pension obligations and other retirement benefits. In turn, these expenses are growing by at least several times the rate of inflation annually and so further fueling a long ongoing structural budget deficit.

Including healthcare benefits, the total unfunded obligation payable to former city employees which local taxpayers are obligated to cover is currently close to a billion dollars in the red.

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Quincy Quarry News always follows the money
Image via oxycxom.com

Granted, while not technically a Ponzi scheme, Quincy Quarry’s financial and other affairs desk projects even higher City of Quincy budget spending obligations than duly compared statewide averages to likely become crushing for local taxpayers in the late 2020’s and then continuing to at least hurt until roughly 2060 or thereabouts per the Koch Maladministration’s own outside financial advisor on Mayor Koch’s so far very much less than economically compelling redevelopment of Quincy Center.

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