– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added

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QATV bombed on broadcasting City Council budget approval meeting
A QATV YouTube still image

Did Quincy Quarry chidings of Quincy Access Television push it into finally posting the video of the City Council budget approval meeting?

It would clearly appear that Quincy Quarry News dropping a manner of zoom bomb on Quincy Access Television (“QATV”) by the Quarry’s reporting on QATV’s failing to broadcast live Monday night’s Quincy City Council during which all but one council member approved Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch’s stupendous as well as record-setting pending increase for Fiscal Year 2023 put at least a shot across the bow QATV’s bow.

The first shot was then followed by a second shot fired by the Quarry when QATV then failed to post the meeting for streaming in a timely manner,

After Quincy Quarry reported yesterday that Quincy Access Televvions (“QATV”), better know as Koch Omnivion Unlimited in the Quarry newsroom, had both failed to broadcast Monday night’s Quincy City Council Meeting during which Mayor Koch’s stupendous spending increase for Fiscal Year 2023  as well as then did not post it for streaming, the meeting can now be streamed.

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WTQ wears glen plaid suits during the summer?
A QATV YouTube image

Conversely, as well as most curiously, QATV promptly posted for streaming two so-called budget-realted interviews by QATV’s tool Joe Catalano.

One so-called interview featured Quincy Mayor Thomas P.. Koch shoveling bovine byproduct about his koched-up budget.

Be sure to note that Mayor Koch’s YouTube-based interview most curiously only featured still images of the mayor and QATV’s Catalano.  One thus cannot help but suspect that the long-rumored to be phobic Mayor Koch might thus be playing it safe given the recent uptick in COVID-19 cases. 

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Yet another knockout by Quincy Quarry?
A Neil Leifer/Sports Illustrated image

Further, both headshots used were not flattering as well as in particular that Mayor Koch’s picture reminds one of his arguable resemblance to the now-late Chuck “The Bayonne Bleeder” Wepner.

And as for the other QATV interview, it was a tukas covering attempt at deflection by Quincy City Council President Noel DiBona.  

The reasons for his spin?

One was to endeavor to justify his enabling of Quincy’s free-spending, if not also out of control spendthrift of a mayor.

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“Deep Quarry”
An old CBS News image

And the other reason: to attempt to cover over Boner’s boner of an instead went flaccid unilateral attempt to score city councillors an over 25% pay raise.

Net/net, on top of a long history of scooping other media by breaking breaking badly bad news© first as well as on occasion graciously dropping dimes to its regional media brethren, Quincy Quarry News now appears to have scored its first social media influencing of a broadcast media.

That and surely tightened knickers at QATV’s de facto headquarters on the third floor of Quincy’s City Hall.

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