Quincy Center landscaping feature not landscaped
– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News

Unplanted bed
Quincy Quarry Photo Recon Team Six confirmation image
A Quincy Center landscaping feature not has not been landscaped – what the Q?.
In a development that left even the hard-bitten and even harder drinking Quincy Quarry News crew in a state of disbelief comes an image from a Quincy Citizen Photojournalist came a smartphone image of an expensive to build granite-lined unplanted planter box just off of Hancock Street opposite Goodie’s convenience store in the Presidents Place building.
Granted, while the planter is on the side street that is Saville Avenue rather than Hancock Street, the planter bed is close to Mayor Koch’s over-the-top Kim Jong Koch Plaza in front of City Hall and thus a prime spot for landscaping to the max.
As such, the newsroom was understandably skeptical.
But then Quincy Quarry’s current unpaid and overworked intern slogged through the Quarry’s photo log and so found a photo indicating that the building the granite planter box was not completed until well after the delayed repaving of Saville Avenue was completed last year.

Long time patch
A Quincy Quarry file photo
In turn, that planting the planter box is not running late only makes sense.
Even so, just to be certain, Quincy Quarry sent out its fabled Photo Recon Six and it so photographically confirmed that the planter box had yet to be planted.
In short, yet another Only in the Q Quincy Quarry story.
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Not even some God damn grass seed.
Where’s the ridiculously obsessive over-attention to these boxes of dirt?