Quincy Quarry News Weekly Fish Wrap: A tough week for Tommy Taxes


– News and commentary about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News


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Taking hits right, left, and otherwise …
FIle photo via YouTube

In what were one/two hits to the stones, Quincy’s peerless Mayor Thomas P. Koch had a tough week.

A very tough week.

So tough that the Weekly FIsh Wrap ran late this week and thus the fish noted in it are smellier than usual.

Way stinkier.

And then stinker yet.

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Looking at holes in the story
A 2000 election Free Republic image

First up, US Attorney Rachel Rollins announced that she was opening up an investigation of Mayor Koch’s leading the fight against the City of Boston’s plans to rebuild the Long Island Bridge on its dime so that it can repurpose part of the island’s facilities for use as substance abuse recovery services.

Rollins has tasked her staff to see if perhaps the opposition to The City of Boston’s plans by Mayor Koch and mostly NIMBYs on Squantum may have violated the Americans with Disabilities Act

In all honesty, Quincy Quarry is among many in the know who have been wondering when and by whom an ADA bomb would be dropped on Quincy’s City Hall.

In turn, if Rollins does find enough to pursue a civil suit, such would open the door for Quincy taxpayers to be on the hook for covering punitive damages – very serious damages up to and including treble damages to boot – awarded to the City of Boston over costs to it given the City of Quincy’s interminable efforts to koch-block Boston’s long-ongoing plans to rebuild its bridge.

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“Size matters …”
Image via Twitter

Additionally, were Rollins to win at trial, such might then open the door for Morgan & Morgan to have a field day pursuing damages by substance abusers who were so delayed in receiving recovery services.

And for the second hit to a sensitive spot below Mayor Koch’s ample beltline, Boston 25 rolled out its hardest-hitting facts and information exposé a clearly apparent attempt by at least some within at least the Quincy Police Department to save the tuchus of an off-duty Massachusetts State Trooper.

The problem? 

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“Ossifer, I’m an ossifer too”
An old photo, an old story – whatever …

The trooper was all but assuredly trashed when he was suspected of sideswiping a car with his truck, then lost a wheel on his truck when he smacked a guardrail but keep on driving until in on three wheels until he was found after crashing into a house in the Houghs Neck neighborhood.

After all, just imagine what would happen to your basic Joe Six-Pack if he did what is said that the statie did.

Remember also that one of the most important lessons of Watergate: it’s not the crime but rather the cover-up.

Just ask Richard Nixon. 

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Blind, deaf, and mute …
A Universal Pictures image

Even so, as a bad a week as it was for Quincy’s peerless mayor, it is clear that his stooges on the City Council are going to bless his free-spending near 8% percent spending increase during the upcoming budget year, a spending increase running 35% more than what has been proposed by the City of Boston to over twice as much more than the closer to a peer municipality that is Weymouth.

Then again, when Quincy taxpayers are stuck with a profligate spendthrift as their mayor, what else can one expect?

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