Quincy City Hall lawn reseeding fail and is sodding now next?
– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News

Click on image to better see now gone rope lines that roped off reseeded sodded turf
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
Quincy City Hall lawn reseeding fail and is yet another sodding next?
In spite of Kim Joch Koch Plaza’s Snow Team Six’s use of an expensive vericutter to prepare the soil for reseeding and then roping off the seeded area, sprouting of new grass was hit but mostly miss.
Per the surmises of Quincy Quarry’s landscaping desk, there are three obvious problems that at least contributed to this latest fail by Snow Team Six.
One is that regular watering of the reseeded area did not appear to have been done.
Next, no cover – such as a thin layer of compost – was applied over the seeded area as per best practices.
And finally, it does not appear that any gypsum was applied to offset the detrimental impact of deicing salt spread on the adjacent paved walkways during the winter as well as soften compacted soil.
Additionally, so what if cost-effective non-plant damaging, organic, and biodegradable deicing products are available or that Kin Jong Koch Plaza’s Snow Team Six most definitely does not opt for a low-salt diet even though Snow Team SIx has state of the art snow removal equipment, including close to the pavement snowplowing blades and even a rotating snow brush that are capable of all but removing any and all fresh snow from paved surfaces.
Accordingly, one can only reasonably assume that both sodding the trashed turf as well as taxpayers yet again are on tap in the coming days and weeks.
In turn, Quincy Quarry News’ evergrowing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry to monitor this fail and report back on it as appropriate.
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What a shame. Who would have ever expected people to walk on the grass?
Did they “really” put down grass seed?
Counterfeit grass seed is a problem this time of year. Buyer beware.
It looks like they mistakenly used dirt as seed and thus not grass seed.
Parking food trucks on the plaza would distract people from the wanton destruction of the mayor’s office lawn.
Grass seed is for the birds!
Time to create a new full-time “position” to oversee the obsessive care and feeding or re-sodding or re-re-sodding or re-re-re-sodding (ad infinitum) of this sacred patch of Kochlandia.
City Hall already has numerous highly paid but low-skilled white males assigned full time to maintain the plaza and keep the mayor’s motor vehicle clean.
Further, none of these privileged white male groundskeepers are “openly” part of the LGBTQ community even though they all *ucked Koc* to get their jobs!
There are quite a number of Koch suckers on the city payroll.