– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News

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Before patched potholes next to Adams Field image
A Quincy Quarry file photo

Quincy Quarry exposés yet again yield results?

In the wake of Quincy Quarry’s running a feature exposé on local potholes and then the Quarry’s readers pothole photo contest, the Koch Machine responded by pimping a pothole repair story along with a separate accompanying photo gallery in the Southshore broadsheet.

Upon review reviewing the Southshore broadsheet’s two pothole pimp jobs of features, Quincy Quarry’s eagle-eyed photo analysts made some curious, if not also wicked amusing findings.

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A yet to be patched pothole Quarry reader photo published with but general location information
A Citizen Photojournalist photo

For example, many of the featured filled potholes were those featured in the Quarry’s pothole exposé and readers’ potholes photo contest.

Additionally, the streets near the residence of the Quarry reporter behind the pothole stories were also patched.

Conversely, while one could argue as but a coincidence, a quick review of a number of the Quincy Quarry News readers’ potholes pictures that were published in the Quarry with but general location information provided were for the most part were still unfilled potholes when recently revisited.

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Potholes?  What potholes?
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

In short, quelle surprise …

Needless to say, Quincy Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers can count on the Quarry to continue to monitor local potholes to see if and roughly when they might be filled.

The Quarry will also be monitoring the nearby cracks in the pavement next to both filled potholes as well as elsewhere to see if the Koch Malasministration opts to duly see that the well-proven preventive maintenance effort of filling cracks with crack seal is undertaken during the upcoming warm time of the year that is ideal for such work.

After all, Quincy Quarry is always up for exposing cracks in the Koch Administration.

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A City on the Move …
An iconic Quincy Quarry News image

Further, given this latest clear appearance that the Koch Machine most likely as well as very closely monitors Quincy Quarry News for negative news overage about the machine so as to then endeavor damage control, the Quarry is so asking its ever-growing legions of loyal readers to submit their complaints given less than alacritous providing of local services by the City of Quincy so that the Quarry can then feature so as to press for the timely addressing of the shortcoming.

Send complaints along via the email address here.

Also, free to include images of the problem and/or other useful information.

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