– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy’s two City Halls snow piles are still piled high.
Four days after the not quite record-setting Bombobensis Blizzard of 2022, Kim Jong Koch Plaza in front of Quincy’s two city halls is still laden with large as frozen piles of snow as of late in the afternoon of Ground Hog’s Day in what one could argue is a tribute to Puxatawny Phil.
In any event, the piles only reinforce a long-enduring repetition all too well-known to long-suffering locals when it comes to so-called local snowplowing practices.
At this point, Kim Jong Koch Plaza’s Snow Team Six continues to duck do the work to clear out the piles four days after the blizzard blew out to sea.

Kim Jong Koch Plaza Snow Team Six member riding fleeing from Quincy Quarry News’ Photo Recon Team Six photographer while riding on a mini-snowplow City of Quincy ride?
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
Then again, perhaps the Koch Maladminirstration is slow plowing things in the wake of Quincy Quarry’s hard-hitting to the stones coverage so as to try to cover its ginormous tukas.
After all, given the Quxrry’s exposés about both the expediated and surely expensive for local taxpayers snow jobs provided for the swells in City Hall as opposed to the pervasive shoddy clearing of snow most everywhere else in Quincy other than for the nearby Generals Bridge, perhaps the Koch Machine has sotto voce ordered a slow clearing of the snow piles in an attempt to duck suffering even more well-deserved snowballs thrown its way.
And for those who find this an implausible suspicion, it is only fair to note that the tech team at Quincy Quarry are aces at going granular analyzing its readership’s demographics and metrics.
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