– News about Quincy Massachusetts from Quincy Quarry News.

A Columbia pictures image
Quincy City Hall heads out early for a long Christmas holiday weekend.
While many regular working stiffs are looking to have to work at least a half-day tomorrow on Christmas Eve Day and which is the day when more than a few males start their Christmas shopping, Quincy Quarry’s overworked and underpaid intern stumbled upon finding out that Quincy’s City Hall was calling it early today at noon for the long holiday weekend on the day before Christmas Eve while she was on her way to this week’s Quincy Quarry “staph” meeting.
Unfortunately, Quincy Quarry does not know if City Hall held a Christmas Party this afternoon after the Koch Maladministration called it early today for a long Christmas holiday weekend.
At least not yet anyway.
Is this another example of City Hall pay for play?
This may actually be a good thing.