– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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Delivered in time for Christmas!
A Citizen Photojournalist drive-by shooing photo

Quincy Presidents Hill tony street repaving completed in time for the Holidays!

A month after the standard cessation of paving projects in the Greater Boston area for the winter, a dozen seven-figure homes on a quiet short street at the base of Presidents Hill scored a fresh new top coat of pavement yesterday as the weather was just warm enough to be a viable day for laying asphalt.

Quincy Quarry was also hoping to score a further coup on this ongoing series of exposés as this tony street is lined with ornate cast-iron streetlights and as was photo-documented by the drive-by shooting photo team.

| quincy news

Fancy schmancy streetlight, center-right.
A Citizen Photojournalist drive-by shooing photo

Unfortunately, what was initially suspected of perhaps a little something extra provided in time for the holidays were found per an only proper check of old Google Maps street view images to have been in place on this street for at least a while.

Even so, as well as conversely, road repaving work on a couple of streets in Quincy Point is looking likely to not be completed in time to meet the mayor’s announced plans to cease non-emergency road work at the end of this week. 

Accordingly, these streets could end with but patched and base coat paving for the winter and then until warm enough weather to undertake standard repaving projects returns next string.

Then again, as well as locals can only reasonably expect, when it comes to Quincy, while “all … are” (said to be) equal, …(it would still appear that) some … are more equal than others.”

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