– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: Things continue to heat up in the Q as the weather continues to head into the cold time of the year.
While there was some positive news to report this week as three new street parking spaces have (officially, ed.) became available recently for use by the general public, things then quickly went downhill.
For starters, when the Squantum Sucker Puncher was quickly found guilty of manslaughter earlier this week, Quincy Quarry concurrently broke word of the potential that local taxpayers could end up stuck covering at least some of a likely to be considerable wrongful death claim given purported multiple grave shortcomings by certain as well as at least some important City of Quincy functionaries.
Truly gobsmacking shortcomings, if not also letting things slide.
In turn, if most any of but one of these rumors is true, the tragic death of a father of three by the fist of a sucker puncher with ties to the Quincy Police Department could have been avoided if various city employees did what they were variously obligated to do.
Accordingly, if so proven in court, the purported incidents of malpractice by city officials would result in culpability for the City of Quincy. That and so subjecting local taxpayers with the likelihood of their then having to subsidize damages awarded by the court to the widow as Massachusetts is a joint and several liability state.
Next up was news that has to be putting even more knots in knickers of at least some kochsters: the well-heeled President of the New Jersey State Senate was defeated by a truck driver who is said to have only spent $10,000 to knock off a long-time Jersey pol.
Unclear, however, is if this taking out of a longtime pol is the start of a trend or just another whacking in Jersey.
In the meanwhile, one can only hope that this David versus Goliath is replicated.

FYI, not my fault
A Facebook photo
After all, who among Quincy Quarry’s ever-growing legions of loyal readers do not enjoy knowing that entrenched politicians are passing bricks?
Other than the various Kochsters who follow the Quarry in the hope of so endeavoring to get ahead of local breaking badly bad news yet again breaking upon Quincy as well all too often care of the misdoings of the Koch Machine in the first place.
After all, there are limits to spin.
In fact, hard limits as long as Quincy Quarry News continues to work the Q.
In any event, the hits keep on coming. For example, early Friday morning a pedestrian out walking his dog was struck by a car in Quincy Center. The man was rushed to Boston Medical Center with said to be serious injuries whereas his dog apparently died at the scene of the accident.
This accident is at least the fourth pedestrian injury accident this year in Quincy and which have resulted in at least four human injury victims, including injuries inflicted to both a mother walking her child to a school bus stop as well as the child while in a crosswalk as well as another fatality via yet another traffic accident.
So what, apparently, for the fact that traffic levels have been down dramatically from prior years before the COVID-19 pandemic hit the fan in the spring of 2020.
Accordingly, Quincy Quarry considered reaching out to City Hall for comment about what it plans to do about what many view as a dramatic increase in local traffic recently as well as the apparent increase in accidents so far this year, but then the Quarry City Editor saw no point ending up stuck on hold.
Not even by its overworked but unpaid intern.
And for the final hit of the week, along the way this week Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch announced that Santa would no longer be parachuting onto Pageant Field per a many decades-long local tradition.
Instead, Santa will henceforth be arriving in Quincy via a helicopter.
In fairness, Quincy Quarry has to score this particular bit of late-breaking news as a mixed bag.
On one hand, many hundreds of children will no longer see Santa parachuting into Quincy.
Conversely, their parents will no longer have to worry about Santa suffering another parachuting malfunction and then having to come up with a story for their kids.
That and surely also providing massive, albeit but temporarily, relief for those tasked with endearing how to underwrite any damages claims if anything goes wrong and as it all too often does in the Q.
Wicked way too often.
Do people pay attention any more to the roads? Or did they get their license from a cereal box