– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: Are things heating up in the Q as the weather heads in the cold time of the year?
After a few weeks of the Koch Maladministration laying low and other local elected officials and their upcoming election challengers not wanting to step in it, Quincy Quarry is starting to see signs of things returning to the local same old same.
In short, regression to the mean happens.
Plus, the true Quincy Way has been ingrained over generations, not to mention that old bad habits die hard.
For example, the week surely started out on a bright note for Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch: Monday as Monday was National Greasy Food Day.
Unfortunately, a three-year-long dark cloud over the Quincy Police Department concurrently reopened when an alleged fatal sucker puncher with all manner of ties to the police department and thus causing reputation damage to the department finally faced a judge and jury to decide upon his all but certain guilt.
Why likely to be found guilty?
In a nutshell, the defendant is claiming that he was a victim as it was he who was attacked after he was kicked out of the only bar in Squantum for drunken and disorderly conduct, including the alleged groping of a former girlfriend as well as other misbehavior which will likely not favor with the jury.

Bon Chance with that defense argument …
An old Columbia Pictures image
Granted, while omerta long stymied the indictment of the alleged sucker puncher for almost a year, fat, drunk, and stupid do not make for a particularly compelling defense in a homicide case.
More importantly, given the three years of pain inflicted up the family of the deceased to see matters finally hit a courtroom, one can now only hope for a prompt and proper verdict by the jury.
And speaking of thumbs down, per Quincy Quarry’s expert construction adviser, the loss of a fair chunk of roof at the Quincy Housing Authority’s O’Brien Towers during this week’s nor’easter looks suspicious.
Specifically, images of the blown-away roofing suggest improper work done in the past may have played a role in the roof’s failure during the storm.
Fortunately for the housing authority, the City of Quincy’s Traffic, Parking, Alarm, and Lighting Department came to the rescue with its own Q-up and so changed the focus of public opprobrium.
Specifically, a full day after this week’s nor’easter, Traffic, Parking, Alarm, and Lighting was trying to return the traffic signals at the intersections of Hannon Parkway with Burgin Parkway and nearby Parkingway back into working condition.
Not only was traffic so backed up and drivers then reverting to the worst sort of massholic behaviors, but there also was not a single police officer to be seen at the scene to direct traffic while the lights were inexplicably dysfunctional even though they showed no sign of any damage.
Then again, who can blame police officers as details do not pay anywhere enough to risk their stepping into the middle of traffic full of angry massholes in a hurry as well as many of them driving behemoth, gas-guzzling as well as globally warming SUV’s.
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