– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.

Generals Bridge Generals Gala on the night before the 20th anniversary of 9/11
A Quincy Quarry News Exclusive image
Koch Maladministration walls off Kim Jong Koch Plaza turf.
In an action that left even the hard-bitten and even harder drinking Quincy Quarry News beat reporter assigned to beat City Hall like a rented mule gobsmacked, at least most of the only reasonably healthy turf adjacent to Quincy New City Hall and Kim Jong Koch Plaza has been fenced off from the public in advance of tonight’s apparently private and by-invitation-only soiree that is connected to tomorrow’s Generals Bridge dedication.
Not so surprising, however, is that the work was done by workers from an outside firm as we all know what city workers view to be working.
Conversely dumfounding is the Koch Administration’s tone-deaf holding a by-invitation-only gala and looking to be catered affair on the night before the twentieth anniversary of 9/11.
Is the fence to keep local taxpayers or the homeless away from their buffet?
More likely, Quincy’s long ignored Chinese community.
Bet on it.