– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy Center rushed sprucing up by the City of Quincy suffering only to be expected sloppiness.
As the mad dash to see Quincy Center spruced up in time for the dedication and opening of the Generals Bridge and unveiling of three heroic statues and four busts on September 11 continues, shortcomings have happened.
In one of the most recent instances, a temporary stop sign was set up bass ackwards at the intersection of Hancock Street and the looking to soon be former Cliveden Way.
That and how one can only assume that perhaps an installation of traffic signals at this particular intersection may be running late and as do most Koch Maladministration’s projects.
Granted, upon a follow-on check, the sign was found to be reversed into the correct orientation; however, why should that get in the way of an ultimately true Quincy Quarry story about yet another Q-up in the Q?

Why No Parking allowed at new bump-in space
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A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image
And for another problem spotted at a long ongoing Q-up of the repaving of a but short street nearby street.
The latest problem: after going to the trouble of building a “bump-in” into what was formerly sidewalk so as to allow parking where drivers often previously stopped in a lane of traffic, a No Parking sign was inexplicably installed where one can only properly suspect that loading zone only or some other sort of short term parking signage would be in order.
After all, finding parking in Quincy Center near City Hall is not exactly a day at the beach even during the long ongoing relative quietude in and around Quincy Square during the COVID-19 pandemic.
I wonder how many overtime hours it took to turn that sign around?
Nice touch, though.
True that: bass-ackward.