– News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry NewsQuincy Center Kim Jong Koch Plaza Lawn Job.
While lawn jobs have a different meaning in other contexts, it must be noted that this lawn job is still costing local taxpayers who are stuck paying for the repairs.
Per Quincy Quarry turf advisor Arnold Nicklaus, the reason for this patch job of but a handful of square feet of turf is primarily the result of bad design: the walkway cutting through the large expanse of grass does not properly provide at one end of it a bit more hard surface to accommodate the tendency of pedestrians to cut corners and which is ironically something one would think that the Koch Machine would appreciate but apparently did not do so in this instance.

Pimp that city ride!
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
Also overlooked: opting to use grass mesh – an inexpensive, effective, and common fix used to protect turf in high traffic areas.
Additionally, there are numerous collateral factors giving rise to this latest sodding of local taxpayers.
For but starters, per NIcklaus, the turf sodded at the site is the wrong sort of turf and which, adds Quincy Quarry, so sodded local taxpayers.
Also, says Nicklaus, the turf is overwatered, under fertilized – if fertilized at all – as well as cut overly short.

Snow Team Six’s manually operated Roomba!
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
Further, Kim Jong Koch Plaza’s otherwise arguably obsessive/compulsive Snow Team Six maintenance crew has failed to duly address the clover infestation that was facilitated given the above-noted lawn care shortcomings as well as probably also failing to use weed control products even though environmentally-friendly weed control products are available.
That and apparently has not (yet, ed.) found expensive yard equipment to spread clover control product as Snow Team Six clearly does not care to opt for undertaking old-school hand weeding.
Or any other sort of strictly manual labor, for that matter.
Even more appalling, however, is that for all of the monomaniacal treatment, however often expensively failed, that the Koch Maladministration has seen for Kim Jong Koch Plaza, the maladministration has conversely failed to see that the relatively new and extremely popular remaking of Kincaid Field is provided with merely but adequate care.
One would think that an administration headed by a former longtime Park and Recreations commissioner would have a better appreciation of how to care for Quincy’s public greens spaces.
Then again, it must be noted that while the parks commissioner now-Mayor Thomas P. Koch was – well – also a joch at that job.
Don’t be surprised if the “solution” to this problem will be to rip-up and replace dozens of square feet of turf in order to replace or repair just a few square feet. Of course, the ideal fix would be to pour a small section of concrete in the area that seems to be the problem. Maybe that’s too simple and too inexpensive.
Who would have thought that landscape designs that might look good on paper don’t necessarily translate into workable designs in the real world?
Baffling, isn’t it.
Truth to be told, it is not baffling at all. Designers of all sorts have long seen their careers suffer care of dealing with unlistening arrogant fools for clients.
Joch on the job, or strap?