A brazen double-dipper worked at both the MBTA and Denver’s transit agency during the height of the pandemic earning a combined salary of $220,000-plus.  A RJ Sangosti/The Denver Post image.

– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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He was in the money …
A danieldervartanian.com image

MBTA double-dipper paid $220,000-plus at the same time by MBTA and Denver transit agencies.

In a still-breaking development exposéd by the Boston tabloid, an MBTA suit who was in charge of Transit Oriented Development activities at both transit agencies was concurrently collecting paychecks from both while working remotely in Colorado as far as the MTBA knew.

The Denver RTD does not allow working other jobs as well as was thus livid to find out about this grifter.

| quincy news

Oopsey at the T …
A file graphic

The MBTA, however, has yet to offer any statement if it allows working full-time pay side hustles care of another employer. 

In any event, from the Denver RTD’s perspective, this now-former RTD employee was double-dipping to the tune of $132,000.00.

In turn, this surely raises the bar as far as things went down with Quincy’s double and sometimes even triple dipper as well as a number of state troopers and Boston police officers. 

At least in terms of what these other two-timers were convicted of grifting or plead out to grifting, that is.

Staco communications

Business as usual at the T?
A Staco Communications graphic

In any event, at this point the MBTA/Denver RTD double dipper is no longer employed by either transit agency.

No clear word yet, however, if legal actions will be initiated.

Source: MBTA double-dipper paid $220,000-plus working for Boston and Denver transit agencies

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