– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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The Quincy Police Department’s now former and ex-con double and sometimes even triple dipping police lieutenant.
A Greg Derr/Patriot Ledger file photo

Nine Boston police officers charged over an alleged $200,000 overtime fraud scheme

In news that is not exactly news to those familiar with the overtime grifting by mostly now former Massachusetts State Troopers and a former as well as now convicted felon former Quincy police lieutenant, nine current and retired Boston police officers were arrested this morning by federal agents over payroll fraud.

The U.S. Attorney’s office noted that the alleged payroll theft was brought to their attention by the Boston Policie Department and further thanked Boston Police Commissioner and Quincy-resident William Gross for his and his department cooperation in the investigation..

UPDATE:  Howie Carr: Boston Police Department badge of shame over overime scandal.

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No more free donuts for the Boston PD 9
Book cover graphics for a John L. French novel

Cooperation by the Boston Police Department notwithstanding, 2020 has so far already been hard on the Boston Police Department, not to mention obviously a bad time in general for any police department in light of recent problematic events across the country nationwide.

Specifically for example for the Boston Police Department, a former Boston Police Department union president was recently arrested on child sexual assault charges as well as further such charges were subsequently filed again him, with at least most alleged assaults said to have occurred during his time on the force before he retired in 2018 and which at least some assaults purportedly occurring during his time as police union local president.

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Source: 9 Boston police officers charged with $200k overtime fraud scheme


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