State senator (center image) caught riding in his ride while he and lawmakers were considering a bill to crack down on distracted driving. Image via the Ohio Channel.
— News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
State Senator caught driving during Zoom meeting about a Distracted Driving bill.
As if we needed any more proof that laws are for the governed to abide by but do not apply to those doing the governing, from Ohio comes further unarguable proof.
During a Zoom meeting, a rookie Republican state senator made a rookie mistake.
Actually, more like at least several mistakes.
Initially, during a meeting to discuss proposed legislation, his Zoom video feed clearly showed that he was in a motor vehicle.
Later, however, the background of his Zoom video feed changed to what appears to be a working remotely home office setting even if he was now seen to be wearing what clearly appeared to be a seat belt.
Then again, at least some gamers would benefit from being restrained while sitting in a video gamer seat playing at least certain sorts of games.

Some gamers need to be better restrained while gaming, from gaming it – whatever.
An Emerge Gaming Chair image
Regardless, the Virtual Background software used by the state senator was wicked kludgy and so only added further proof to his wearing a seat belt that he was driving during this Zoom meeting.
And then in violation of the Rule of Holes, the state senator then instead kept digging by asserting that:
“I wasn’t distracted. I was paying attention to the driving and listening to it (the meeting, ed.). I had two meetings that were back to back that were in separate locations. And I’ve actually been on other calls, numerous calls, while driving. Phone calls for the most part but on video calls, I’m not paying attention to the video. To me, it’s like a phone call.”
Source: Ohio state senator caught driving during Zoom meeting with fake office background
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