— News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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A new voter about to be added to the rolls of Quincy’s Ward 7?
A file photo

Quincy suffers yet another COVID-19 fatality.

While three months ago, the Koch Maladministration announced that it would only be doing weekly updates on Fridays on the number of local COVID-19 fatalities, the designated coat holder but more likely coat holders in City Hall failed to post a COVID-19 tweet update on the City of Quincy Twitter feed on Friday.

That and mistakenly hoped that it could slip its late posting of a tweet on Monday updating the local COVID-19 death toll past the eagle-eyed social media monitors at Quincy Quarry that one more local has died of COVID-19.

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Drink the Kool-Aid – I’m jonesing for a new and palatial office suite
A Facebook photo]]>

Then again, on Friday Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch was apparently focused on producing his longest generic YouTube update about things in the Q to try to spin his outrageously expensive plan to both prop up millions of dollars losing and thus foundering Quincy College by providing it with an upwards of a $150 million dollar hew home as well as looking to run north of $60 million on new office space for Quincy’s City Hall.

Hard costs are hard to come by out of the Koch Maladminstation even if Quincy Quarry’s Real Estate Development desk was quickly able to project the cost – before factoring in mayoral office suite carpeting costs, that is.

But then again, when dealing with an Edifice Complex jones, rationality goes out the window.

| quincy news

Even Napoleon would be impressed by this stumpy Edifice Complex
A City of Quincy rendering

Along with taxpayers’ money going up in flames.

Plus, when was the last time a car salesperson did anything other than focus on pushing to opt for going with a low down payment without much making much discussion of monthly payments, duly addressing the number of the many months of payments that will need to be made or the other many other ups and extras that make up the total cost?

Fortunately, the Real Estate Development desk has also come up with two alternative plans that would easily run in the realm of half to less than two-thirds of the cost of Mayor Koch’s latest proposed Edifice Complex as well as that both are likely possible to be completed at least as quickly, if not sooner.

Needless to say, count on Quincy Quarry to see that its alternative plans see the light of day as a public service to long-suffering local taxpayers.

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