— News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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Yet another close shave …
Image via Facebook

Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap:  Q-ups happen …

As Quincy Quarry’s unpaid and overworked intern failed to pause the Quarry’s automated newsletter bot, the March 25 edition of the Fish Wrap was an errant resend of the previous week’s old news.

And then the intern failed to release the April Fool’s Day newsletter but which now is enjoying wider exposure via its publication by Quincy Quarry following the intern’s dismissal.

Then again, about the only local target for fish wrapping last week was Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s continuing to doggedly pursue all sorts of nine-figure bond issues to enable his spending to build even more Edifice Complexes and which is not something new in the Q.

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Spoon feeding the so-called answers
A tired old shtick

Even so, what was amusing this week, however, was Mayor Koch’s latest podcast and which purported how Quincy was in good financial shape, his various projects are needed as opposed to yet again readily shown to be way over the top as they really are well as claiming that overall things are basically hunky-dory when they are not.

Then again, when the Mayor Koch’s communications director is feeding the mayor lines in the role of a second banana, of course the presentation was upbeat as well as wicked amusing to a knowing ear in ways wholly unintended.


What all too often happens to your tax dollars …
A file photo meme

Even so, all sorts of Q-up tells were inadvertently slipped into the mix given a careful listen of the happy yaking. 

For example, while Quincy got wicked lucky with a five-fold outsized on a per capita basis $46 million federal COVID-19 bailout than most other South Shore communities are receiving given the sloppy way that the feds allocated bailout funding, somewhere between at least $21 million to over $29 million of the 46 large looks to already be, well, spent from a grant that is supposed to last a couple of years.

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Getting out to vote
An old photo

In turn, per a glass half full view, just imagine how unlucky local taxpayers would be if but one of the Georgia Republican incumbent senators had managed to win reelection rather than lose in close runoff races in January in the wake of their receiving the most votes in the November general election?

Ballpark, around at least $46 million unlucky.

Also troubling, Mayor Koch’s plan to kick the can down the road as regards funding the City’s woefully underfunded pension obligations has increased by an unlucky for local taxpayers 13% the original $400 million proposal up to $450 million per the podcast.

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The burn rate increasing?
A cheat-sheet.com image

Then again, already the proposal actually works out to more like upwards $620 million and potentially even more when debt service costs are duly factored into the mix, not that Kochnomics ever duly acknowledges such things.

That or how the plan surely leaves local taxpayers on the hook if the Kochsters on the city pension fund continue to do a woeful job of managing the pension fund as well as would appear to expose city pensioners to increased tax consequences when they retire.

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Disgruntled Sox fans doing what they do best …
Image via Essential Baseball

And on another not bright note of another sort: not only was Opening Day for the Red Sox at home this season rained out on April Fool’s Day, the Sox then got sweep by the Baltimore Orioles.

In other words, The Curse of the Mookie continues.

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