News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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Return of the Grim Reaper?
Image via

Quincy’s COVID-19 infection rates continue to increase.

Both the local rate per 100,000 and local testing positive percentage increased by 9% from last week’s levels.

Not only does this also third week in a row set of increases in local COVID-19 infection rate metrics not make for a good trend, if the latest rate of increase on the positive testing rate continues Quincy will be back in the COVIV-19 Red Zone by the end of the month. 

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How local COVID-19 risk rates are determined
Massachusetts Department of Public Health chart

Already, infections per 100,000 is twice what is needed for a Red Zone rating; however, a testing positive rate of 4% or higher is needed as both metrics are used in combination to set local risk rates.

Currently, the local testing positive rate is 3.22%.

And as for comparison with statewide averages, while Quincy currently has a 10% lower infection rate for 100,000, it has a disconcerting 36% higher testing positive rate.

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A Christopher Sadowski/New York Post file photo

Throw in upcoming Easter gatherings, slacking on social distancing and other COVID-19 mitigation efforts, and the return of at least some local public school students to full-time in-class school attendance, one can only reasonable worry that local vaccination rates might not prove to be sufficient to stem the recent and now several weeks waxing tide of local COVID-19 infections any time soon.

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