— News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.
Quincy High School track illegally dumped on by undocumented aliens?
Yet another dime dropped Quincy Quarry’s way by a local Citizen Photojournalist has exposéd that “Goose Grease” is back at the Quincy High School track and football practice field as well as considerably so just as spring football practice is about to commence along with track season.
Quincy Quarry has long as well as repeatedly addressed this hazardous material problem dumped upon Quincy by Canadian Geese with unknown residency status.
On top of the obvious yuck and slip factors presented by Goose Grease, it also poses the potential for the biohazard transmission of over sixty diseases.

Goose grease”fertilizing” grass
A Quincy Quarry News file photo
Click on the image to better see all of the Goose guano
Unfortunately, these and other foul fowl are a stubborn scourage as well as are ravenously hungry during the winter.
Even so, keeping these fowl away from public spaces as well as protecting lowly earthworms that beneficial to healthy field turf growth from ending up eaten can be readily accomplished.
As opposed to Quincy’s history of ineffectively putting out faux coyote decoys that might perhaps only fool Daffy Duck, various actually effective efforts include the use of primarily herding dog breeds to chase away these unwanted vermin geese, broadcasting the sound of geese in the throes of suffering death by a predator to various other well-proven best practices including serving them for dinner.

Illegals right under the eye of the Quincy Police Department, left.
A Quincy Quarry Photojournalist image
The City of Quincy, however, has yet again failed to address a public space maintenance problem that is beyond Kim Jong Koch Plaza adjacent to Quincy’s inexplicable two City Hall in spite of the fact that these suspected snowbacks and thus likely dubious residence status are camped out in plain view right next to the Quincy Police headquarters as well as – again – pose all manner of public health risks.
Then again yet, neither learning from problems much less striving for pursuing Best Practices are things which the Koch Maladministration is not wont to merely but endeavor.
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