News about Quincy from Quincy Quarry News.

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Quincy DPW Salt Shed while under construction
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

Quincy Streets Salt-free as Snowstorm Starts?

As today’s well-forecast in advance snowstorm commenced, Quincy Quarry News personnel out and about on Quincy’s cold and soon likely to be snow-covered streets did not see any sign of salt, much less brine, spread to pretreat the roads to facilitate snow removal later.

At best, Quarry newshounds could only spot large and wet flakes falling onto the pavement as snowfall commenced locally shortly before lunchtime today and as people were out driving about to hither and yond.

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So far no sign of the City of Quincy brine or salt trucks
A image

Unclear at this time, however, if Quincy Department of Public Works is opting for going low-salt in spite of a forecast of a middling snowfall locally or if the lack of standard preparation before a snowstorm might be the result of snow removal personnel calling in sick or at least lingering a bit to catch some Super Bowl Game pregame coverage.

Needless to say, both Quincy Quarry personnel, as well as various Quarry Citizen Meteorologists, have been variously tasked to monitor things and report as might be appropriate.

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