News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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The Grim Reaper keeps on reaping COVID-19 victims
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Quincy suffers yet another COVID-19 death.

In the wake of the Koch Maladministration’s apparent problems with staying up to date on local COVD-19 fatalities and so opting to now report on them only once a week, on Friday the Maladministration posted an update of the death toll in but passing within a Twitter update of the death toll without any specific mention of this latest fatality other than to those at Quincy Quarry who know how to keep score.

Further, in Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch’s latest Quincy COVID-19 update YouTube and which was released on a Friday, the mayor himself also failed to duly note the latest passing. 

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Waxing on and on and on and on even more
A Facebook photo

Instead, per Koch Maladministration SOP, the mayor went on and on and on even more about how local COVID-19 vaccinations are ramping up even if such is only to be expected while at the same time failing to duly note that Quincy is both still solidly in the COVID-19 risk Red Zone as well as looking likely to remain so for probably at least a few more weeks.

That and then went on to announced his support of Tom Brady and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in tomorrow’s Super Bowl regardless of Tom’s past history as well as given valid concerns about how Super Bowl gatherings may end up becoming the latest sort of super spreader events.

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