Seeing red. Boston 25 Investigates has spent time looking into allegations of imprioriety involving Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins.
— News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Suffolk County District Attorney accused of road rage.
The alleged incident entailed parking traffic congestion and jockeying about but no fender bending at the South Bay Shopping Center in Dorecher on Christmas Eve.
The District Attorney is said to have both lit up personally as well as the lights of her Suffolk County provided ride, as well as purportedly told the other driver that today (Christmas Eve) was not the day to mess with her.
That and is also said to have threatened to issue a traffic citation to the victim of the DA’s umbrage.

Mayor Koch’s Secret Service Edition Chevy Tahoe free city ride
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive file phot
While not exactly a case of do you know who I am as, among other things, the other driver had no idea who was alleging talking trash other than the purported trash talker was driving a standard-issue unmarked police full-sized Chevrolet Tahoe with at least many of the usual police accessories.
How serious has been the fallout given the allegations?
For starters, at least one media report suggests that the allegations may undercut her chances to be named the United States Attorney for Massachusetts by incoming President Joe Biden.
And things have only become even more problematic for the District Attorney since.
Some women have the luxury of saying whatever they want & being believed. Amy Cooper, Miya Ponsetto, Carolyn Bryant Donham. Must be nice. The media just videotaped my home and my children are terrified. Funny, they’ve never come here to discuss homicides or the rising crime rate.
— DA Rachael Rollins (@DARollins) January 8, 2021
The District Attorney ill-advisedly opted to participate in a conference call on the Howie Carr show with Turtleboy and who broke the story to discuss the incident
The District Attorney pretty much opened with saying that civilian complaints are essentially not worth bupkis and then moved on to what one would hope was the DA factitiously threatened to formally allege that Howie had exposed himself to senior and Turtle Boy had sexually assaulted a cat to proof her point.
And then it only became even worse yet.
One would think that the District Attorney should be able to effectively cut and parry allegations after years of courtroom experience but apparently not.
Turtleboy’s Aidan Kearney basically engaging in batting practice as he pounded on the story that the District Attorney was sticking to.
Conversely, for a change, Howie thus mostly opted to let the DA open her mouth and so remove all doubt as Turteboy tied the DA up in knots, at least as well as one can do during a conference call.
For example, how the District Attorney allegedly blew through a red light while holding a handheld cellphone as she left the scene of the now-disputed interaction and how surely in this day and age of dashcams, security cameras, and smartphones that dispositive images and video must be around and so available for review.
Further problematic for the District Attorney was Turtleboy’s pointing out that the DA’s protestations over how the location of her home had been exposed by the media and so posed a threat to her children had a problem.
Specifically, how the DA’s residence was shown in a favorable puff piece on NetFlix’s Trial 4 series and which can apparently still be streamed by those who have yet to have streamed their brains out while shut-in during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Maskless District Attorney (left) doing a nutty on a media reporter (right).
A still image with captioned text from a Boston 25 video report
And then there is the problem with how the DA also pulled a nutty on video with the broadcast media news team that reached out to her for comment as she was not making herself available for comment as well as then did so while not wearing a mask.
Granted, while one can only reasonably assume that the initial incident, along with the incidents that followed it within an overall context of a clear case of arguable hypocrisy, will likely at least ding her chances to become the next United States Attorney for Massachusetts, the Suffolk District Attorney need not worry about her current gig given that her progressive fellow traveler Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healy is likely to have the matter turned over to her for review.
In short, what happens in Massachusetts all but invariably stays in Massachusetts, if not also ends up broomed.
Source: Boston 25 investigates allegation involving Suffolk County DA Rachael Rollins
All is well. There is talk that she will be the next US Attorney for Massachusetts. She can bring her rage to a whole new level and not prosecute a whole new type of crime. Nothing like unchecked arrogance to get you a federal job. So scammers, insurance fraudsters and sex traffickers, COME ON DOWN! Rachel is going to be the new US Attorney and she doesn’t care what you do. Unless, of course, if you say something to offend someone. Well, that’s quite another story.