Health officials in Quincy are bracing for the ongoing surge in coronavirus cases to worsen over the next week.
While Quincy officials warn of impending COVID surge, Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch is not one of them.
Granted, last week the Koch Maladminisration launched a local free COVID-19 testing facility; however, COVID-19 long ago hit the fan in the Q.
That and how the quant desk at Quincy Quarry spotted a potential errant undercounting of local new cases in last week’s Massachusetts Department of Public Health’s weekly COVID updates suggested that perhaps a day’s worth of data were missing.
And now, given the rollout of the Department of Public Health COVID-19 data dashboard update on Monday, it would now clearly appear that the Quarry’s quants were onto something.
Additionally, the Quarry quants now suspect that perhaps test date from the new COVID-19 testing center in Quincy may not have been uploaded in time for inclusion into last week’s Department of Public Health weekly COVID019 update.
The key reason for this new suspicion is that the data trendlines for Quincy are now back on track in ways consistent with Quincy Quarry’s quants suspicions that data were missing.
Further troubling, the improved dashboard also shows definitively that Quincy’s positive testing rate is currently running above not only the statewide average but also 18% higher than the Norfolk County positive testing rate as well as an even greater 34% higher positive rate than Suffolk County.
Even further troubling, Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch has yet to post a new Quincy COVID-19 YouTube update since last Wednesday’s update on the City of Quincy website as of the publication of this Quarry story.
Then again, as his YouTubes have trended to shorter as well as featuring other local events as the ledes, his YouTubes have become pretty much a waste of server space.
Source: Quincy officials warn of impending COVID surge
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