– Quincy Massachusetts News from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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Cleared major thoroughfare, but not exactly cleared curb to curb …
A Quincy Quarry News exclusive image

Quincy streets only so-so as the snowstorm snow emergency abates.

Quincy Quarry News personnel hit the mean and now cold streets of Quincy this morning to score the performance of snow and ice clearing of local streets.

While for the most part Quincy dodged a bullet from the Nor’easter given still relatively warm nearby ocean water, local streets were still in but so-so shape this morning in spite of near ideal conditions to clear streets given all but no vehicular traffic conditions and a snow emergency ban on street parking.

As such, count on Quincy Quarry to continue to hit the snow-covered streets of Quincy and then report the bad news as might be appropriate.

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