Dr. Daniel Kuritzkes, the chief of the infectious disease division at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, says to prepare for even worse to come.
– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
The bulk of Thanksgiving Coronavirus surge still to come, a local expert says.
Thanksgiving leftovers poisonings care of the COVID-19 virus continues to linger.
The recent dramatic increase in Red Zone COVID-19 risk communities in Massachusetts, as well as the recent surge across essentially the whole of the United States, is said to be but the tip of the iceberg as we are just entering the point at which COVID-19 exposure care of Thanksgiving gatherings is expected to manifest, if not also dramatically so.

It’s a shitzsturm girls and boys. Wear a mask or consider yourself lucky to just get a lump of coal.
An Eamonn M. McCormack/Getty Images
Even more troubling, will many among the general population own up to the error of their ways by engaging in actions widely noted as bad ideas in time for them to do differently over the upcoming winter holidays?
With the behavior as prologue as well as a public service announcement, the ever-growing legions of loyal Quincy Quarry News readers should note that the Quarry’s news crew continues to both work remotely whenever possible as well as mask up.
That and the Quarry team will likely continue to engage in such recommended safe practices until at least such time as both they are all vaccinated as well as that enough other people opt to be vaccinated so that the 75% to 85% vaccination rate needed to achieve herd immunity and so staunch the COVID-19 plague.
Source: Bulk Of Thanksgiving Coronavirus Surge Still To Come, Local Expert Says
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