Ninety-seven communities in Massachusetts are now considered high risk for coronavirus infections. Image via CBS Boston.
– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Quincy surges to the edge of a COVID-19 Red Zone risk rating.
In a surprise move, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health’s weekly COVID-19 update appears to have been moved up a day to a Thursday release after moving it back a day to Fridays in recent weeks.
In any event, of particular interest to Quincy residents is that the local positive test rate increased by over a third from last week and is now running 3.57%.
With Quincy’s COVID-19 rate per 100,000 already running twice the 10 per 100,000 two part criteria for a Red Zone rating, a 4% positive test rate will push Quincy into a Red Zone rating.
To hit a 4% testing rate, all Quincy will need to suffer is but roughly half as great an increase in the positive testing rate during the upcoming week as occurred over the past week.
In other words, Quincy is all but certain to soon be moved to a COVID-19 Red Zone risk rating.
Quincy Quarry considered reaching out to Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch for comment, however, it saw no point so wasting time being avoided.
Source: 97 Communities Considered High Risk For COVID-19 In Mass.
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