– Quincy News from Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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Drink the Kool Aid
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Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: Funny business as usual at City Hall

Last week Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch was party to the second largest set of penalties imposed for illegal straw campaign contributions as well as that it clearly appears that the Koch Machine was probably bundling most of the sanctioned contributions so as to curry favor up the political food chain. 

At the same time, Mayor Koch professed that he didn’t know nothin’ nor did he use the illegal campaign contributions sent his way to go to Aruba.

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Cash flow problems?
An O’Mahoney/Patriot Ledger image

Even so, given the plummeting of the balance of his campaign fund as well as COVID-19 pandemic restrictions precluding his holding large campaign donation shakedown galas as per his long ongoing usual, his use of these funds to pay for his dining out to discuss campaign matters has also declined. 

Then again, with three years left to go in his current mayoral term as well as essentially a snowball’s chance in Hell to successfully pursue election to higher office or survive a confirmation hearing, maybe Mayor Koch is just working on trying to lose some of his “COVID-25” weight gain.

In any event, this week he pressed the all but invariably invertebrate City Council to approve yet another set of sweetheart land deals and which this time involve the sale of city property to Ukrainian immigrants.

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The mother’s milk of politics …
A file photo

That as well as likely some still in the old country.

Fortunately for La Kocha Nostra, this latest round of Land Disposal Agreements for the sale of city property was not readily available to the public to review and critique even if it was technically made available per pandemic protocols. 

Additionally,  the city council meeting approving these latest grifts was safely firewalled via Zoom from potential throngs of angry taxpayers who are likely but more likely definitely going to eventually end up stuck with the bill.

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Angry locals
A Universal Pictures image

Accordingly, the crack financial analysts at Quincy Quarry have not yet been able to run the numbers to discern if this latest no bid sweetheart deal is as generous as a previous deal for the Ukrainians.

The previous sweetheart deal is readily arguable as providing incentives to the developer working out to a north of ten million dollar return on investment on a roughly a hundred thousand dollars or so spread primarily among the mayor along with short money further provided to certain current city council members and a now thankfully former member.

Such a deal!  For the developers.  For local taxpayers stuck with the bill, not so much.

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Dan Flynnflam intake photo
A meme

And speaking of real estate scamsters, Mayor Koch’s since childhood bff will be checking out of a Club Fed in Philadelphia this week and probably then returning to at least the general scene of the crimes that resulted in his being dope slapped with a near four year sentence in the slammer.

Needless to say, given Quincy Mayor Koch’s past helpings out of those all but unemployable in government jobs given all manner of problems, Quincy Quarry will be watching to see where the mayor’s bff lands a job.

Specifically, does Mayor Koch still have any cushy and no heavy lifting city positions available, is he willing to take the umbrage of creating yet another one or will he call in a marker on the down low to have someone else take on the likely liability of hiring a said to be problematic employee?

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“Do you want to Supersize your order?”
A McDonald’s Museum image

Or is Danny Boy looking to soon be stuck with working a fryalator on the swing shift at a fast food purveyor?

Stay tuned as Quincy Quarry continues to exposé the all but invariably oh so curious doings in the Q!

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