– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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Quincy COVID-19 infections soaring in concert with recent increases statewide.

The week’s Friday the Thirteenth release of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health weekly COVID-19 report was a fitting day for the release of the latest round of grime news.

While Quincy remains in the recently made easier to be in Green Zone of risk after last week’s downward resetting of the ratings by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, the Q is now on the verge of returning to Yellow Zone status.

Such concern was difficult to difficult to discern as this week the Department of Public Health appears to have discontinued providing its easily reviewed weekly interactive COVID-19 risk map, thus forcing those monitoring the data to have to dig deep into less user-friendly datasets to be able to better discern just how things are hitting the fan.

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Quincy’s Friday the 13th COVID-19 stats
Image via the Massachusetts Department of Public Health

For example, while Quincy is currently in the Green Zone for risk, it is on the edge of going into the new and more demanding Yellow Zone ranking. 

In fact, Quincy will cross the line into the Yellow Zone next week if its later in the week this past week’s daily increases in local COVID-19 infections merely but stop increasing next week.

Even more troubling, if the recent rate of local infections continue to increase as they have of late, Quincy will likely be solidly in the middle of the Yellow Zone come next week’s weekly update even after the Department of Public Health’s easing of its COVID-19 risk ranking scales last week.

And as for further proof as to just how bad things are looking, even the evasive and arguably innumerate Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch acknowledged for a change from the very start of his latest local COVID-19 YouTube update that things are serious as well as that yet another Quincy resident died of COVID-19 this past week.



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Business as usual …
A Quincy Quarry News meme

Then again, Mayor Koch pretty much already used up his spin quota for the week in his less than compelling demur that he did nothing wrong in his naming in yet another illegal straw campaign scandal and which entailed the second highest set of fines for the source of the money and disgorgements by the campaign funds the Koch Machine would clearly appear to have bundled to curry favor with elected officials mostly up the political food chain.

That and as Mayor Koch will in coming weeks be slipping his 2021 property tax increases to local property tax paying property owners, he will need to be watching his P’s and especially his Q’s as Quincy Quarry will definitely continue to be watching his every move.

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