It doesn’t look good.  An AP image

– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

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No school busing anytime soon?
An on file image

As schools across the country move to reopen, Boston does an about face.

One can only assume that things are bad in Boston when the New York Times deigns to report on a problem in Boston.

The problem: Boston’s moving into COVID-19 Red Zone status has given rise to Boston officials opting to discontinue classroom based learning  for high needs Boston public school students as well as postponing indefinitely its previously announced plans to move students to a hybrid schooling protocol later this week.

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Snow Days every day for at least a while longer?
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

Needless to say, parents are pretty much of one mind or the exact other. 

That and surely beyond fried at this point no matter which.

And locally, what will Quincy School Committee Chair Mayor Thomas p. Koch do when Quincy all but assuredly goes COVID-19 Code Red?

After all, Quincy continues to climb closer and closer towards also ending up in Red Zone in the wake of Mayor Koch previously and all but unilaterally pressing for accelerating Quincy Public Schools’ return to at least a partial in-class hybrid model.

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Last week’s COVID-19 risk map
Massachusetts Department of Public Health graphic

In turn, later today could spark the beginning of such a dilemma to hit Quincy. 

After weeks of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health e-publishing its weekly COVID-19 risk by community ratings Wednesday afternoons around 4 PM, release of the updates has been changed to a day later on Thursdays starting today.

In turn, if recent COVID-19 infections rates in Quincy continue to increase at rates consistent with its recent weeks’ of steady rates of increases, Quincy would likely so be shown to be at least on the verge of a COVID-19 Red Zone rating later today.

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A previous not a great idea championed by Mayor Koch
An O’Mahoney/Patriot Ledger image

On the other hand, given the late breaking announcement that the release of the weekly COVID-19 risk rate data update would be shifted to a day later, one can only wonder if the update will – in fact – be released per the new schedule.

In any event as well as needless to say, count on Quincy Quarry News to report on these week’s COVID-19 by community risk data update as soon as possible after they are released.

Source: As Schools Across the U.S. Move to Reopen Doors, Boston Does an About-Face

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