The store closed Sunday.  A Greg Derr/Patriot Ledger image.

– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.

| quincy news

COVID-19 cases in the Q are rising
Massachusetts Department of Public Health statistics

Quincy’s Fruit Basket closes given employee COVID-19 infection.

The Fruit Basket appears to be the first local business to be ordered closed given a COVID-19 infection of one of its employees in the wake of the state placing Quincy into the Yellow Zone for COVID-19 risk.

On top of an impending deep cleaning, given that the Fruit Basket has but four employees it is further facing a likely longer than the usual two week quarantine closing.

Needless to say, count on Quincy Quarry to continue to monitor COViD-19 and report back as might be appropriate.

Source: Quincy’s Fruit Basket closes due to employee case of COVID-19

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