Now, more than ever, mayors matter. And so it matters that Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch seems unable to hear his constituents’ calls for justice.
– News covered by Quincy Quarry News with commentary added.
Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch ripped a new one by the Boston Broadsheet.
The reason: his gobsmakingly clueless responses on Black Lives Matter matters.
Rather than responsibly considering legitimate points raised, Mayor Thomas P. Koch has instead gone long on calling for law and order in spite of the fact that the four to date local Black Lives Matters events have been exemplary peaceful honorings of the example set by the late Dr. Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.
Then again, that one of the four went smoothly was only to be expected as the number of police on duty was comparable to the number of participants present at any given moment during a family-friendly, if not also a focused teachable moment Black Lives Matter event.
That and Mayor Koch contemporaneously added that a police force headed by one of his brothers in law “100 percent (of the time, ed.) do the right thing, day in and day out.”
Obviously, Mayor Koch did not poll any officers’ spouses, much less any significant or insignificant others.
No argument, most Quincy police officers do the right thing most of the time; however, he has apparently forgotten that a now-former Quincy police lieutenant is now a federally convicted fellow over matters fraudulent.
That and the department policy that helped facilitate the frauds committed was at last check still operative. After all, the underlying policy provides a way to extraordinary benefit some locals gratis at the expense of all local taxpayers something all but invariably charged to those so benefited in other communities.
And on related fronts, the City of Quincy was spanked by the State Civil Service Commission over (at least, ed.) improperly advantaging the hires of relatives of senior police command officers, including the son of the police chief and thus also a nephew of the mayor.
State law was also arguably grifted to hire an otherwise all but assuredly ineligible for hire the forty-something barkeep son of a former police sergeant who himself was ex post facto granted an enhanced value disability pension that is open to ready questioning.
That and variously also easing the way for the mayor’s less than a year out of college and not a veteran son to be probationarily hired onto the police force earlier this year.
Granted, by all accounts, the mayor’s son is nice enough and apparently has a duly clean record; however, most people in the know would recommend hiring someone older and possessing of germane experience(s) for a police department for a city with Quincy’s demographics, if not also a candidate who is female and/or a minority.
In fact, the hiring of a lot of females and minorities as Quincy police officers is long overdue.
Way long overdue.

Quincy Police Chief Paul “The Beav” Keenan
A City of Quincy headshot
Then again, none of the curious hires onto the police force should come as any great surprise in the wake of the nod and a wink reaching down the Civil Service list to hire Mayor Koch’s brother-in-law as Quincy’s police chief a dozen years ago.
And finally, among a myriad of other tone-deaf responses, Mayor Koch was cited in the broadsheet as cluelessly insulting a Jew in a way no person of any faith would find acceptable.
One would hope that long time Quincy resident and the mayor’s apparently favorite nun Sister Olga would dope slap him upside the head on this point alone, not that it would likely be enough to knock him as far as the needs to travel to mend his panoply of variously and often deeply flawed ways.
Source: Is this mayor up to it? – The Boston Globe
HEY! Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch: Stop making us look stupid!
Get him out of office NOW!!!