National Voter Registration Day on the fourth Tuesday in September.
Today is National Voter Registration Day!
While most everyone knows that Election Day 2020 is fast approaching, not everyone who is eligible to vote is registered to vote.
While the registration process varies across the country and COVID-19 has changed things for at least this year’s elections, registering is not all that complicated or arduous if one is not currently duly registered to vote in November.
That and there is still time to registrar in Massachusetts and elsewhere.
Plus, both those who do not registrar as well as those who are registered to vote but do not do so come election day have no legitimate basis to carp about the outcomes.
The only caveats: those who vote want to vote by mail have request deadlines to meet, should mail or otherwise submit their ballots as early as possible, and – MOST IMPORTANTLY – be sure to sign their mail in ballot the same way that they signed their voter registration card.
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