– Quincy News from Quincy Quarry News

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Bad planning, cheap sign non solution, and koched up mess as usual
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

Quincy Quarry Weekly Fish Wrap: Splish splash – no taking a bath at City Hall?

Things have been relatively quiet on the City Hall news beat of late what with the official end of summer fast approaching.

That and surely at least some denizens of Quincy’s City Hall likely hoping to enjoy a little vacay or at least try to slip out unnoticed in advance of the long Labor Day holiday weekend.

Fortunately, there is no rest for the wicked.

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The latest Black Lives Quincy march
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

Specifically, the plucky and persistent Black Student Union members at Eastern Nazarene College and their fellow travelers continue to press Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch to share his thoughts on the killing and maiming of people of color across the length and breadth of the United States at the hands of police under circumstances open to question as well as what he plans to do to improve the safety for all in Quincy.

In turn, however, Mayor Koch instead foisted the following banality in response:

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Telling yet another story
A file photo

“This is part of what makes our country great: a group of people coming together to express themselves and letting their voices be heard.  We’re going to continue to listen, and we’re going to continue to talk about the issues of race and racism as a community.  We won’t agree on everything, and that’s OK, but it’s an important discussion taking place now and continuing in the coming months.”

Then again, what else should one expect from someone long well-known for shoveling bovine byproduct while concurrently spending like a drunken sailor on leave after six months at sea.

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The nose knows …
A Fact Checker/Washington Post graphic

That and more of the same was quickly foisted by the mayor’s loyal spinmeister Pinocchio Walkbacker.

Then again, such was further only to be expected from a mayor who has koched-up the Quincy Police Department with family members as well as the hire of someone with other ties to La Kocha Nostra.

Plus, as our peerless mayor is not exactly an imposing figure, he needs all of the protection he can score.

In short, City Hall in the era of Koch Maladministration is what it is and locals will end up having to pay for it as well as in more ways than one.

And on a related note, City Hall has apparently decided to crack down on those who would like to beat the heat and/or bath in front of City Hall in Kim Jong Koch Plaza’s apparent homage to the Dancing Waters at Las Vegas’ Bellagio Hotel and Casino.

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No cooling splash pad for you
A Quincy Quarry News file photo

Considering how many locals are suffering financial privations care of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as for any number of other reasons, Quincy Quarry can only wonder why City Hall would refuse locals a free bath.

At least so long as they do not strip down past their swimsuits to their birthday suits.

Then again, when Kochsters are dining at the public trough on a menu that features a regular paycheck check, great benefits, and a fat pension plan mostly subsidized by local taxpayers so long as one is not convicted of a felony on top of the potential for gratuities for some, compassion for others not so cossetted is thus not to be expected.

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